To just encrypt a file
dexios -e test.txt test.enc

To just decrypt a file
dexios -d test.enc test.txt

To just erase a file
dexios erase test.txt

To encrypt a file using AES-256-GCM (note: you do not need to specify --aes when decrypting)
dexios -e --aes test.txt test.enc

To encrypt a file, and show the hash of the encrypted (output) file for verification later on
dexios -eH test.txt test.enc

To decrypt a file, and show the hash of the encrypted file (to compare with the hash generated above)
dexios -dH test.enc test.txt

To encrypt a file, and erase the original file
dexios -e --erase test.txt test.enc

To use a keyfile for encryption
dexios -ek keyfile test.txt test.enc

To encrypt all .mp4 files in a directory (using find)
Remove `-maxdepth 1` to make this run recursively

find *.mp4 -type f -maxdepth 1 -exec dexios -eyk keyfile {} {}.enc \;

To decrypt all .mp4.enc files in a directory, and remove the .enc suffix
find . -type f -iname "*.mp4.enc" -exec sh -c 'dexios -dk keyfile "$0" "${0%.enc}"' {} \;